Friday, March 27, 2009

How they roll...

I have been experiencing alot of different and new stages in this pregnancy. Or more along the lines of, being later side effects of pregnancy just much earlier. For example, I have very bad heart burn, and I am very very tired, all the time. Once every couple of days I will have a burst of energy in the morning and the urge to clean everything, but it fades quickly and I am back to being on the couch or in bed again. The Great news is , is that the babies are growing and healthy.My weight is under control, meaning I am being very diligent about nutrition, lots and lots of protein, and my blood pressure is low. Lord willing I will be able to carry these precious angel for the full 40 weeks. I know that may sound crazy, but with the Lord's help, I am going for it!!! Please Pray for us .

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