Friday, March 27, 2009

How they roll...

I have been experiencing alot of different and new stages in this pregnancy. Or more along the lines of, being later side effects of pregnancy just much earlier. For example, I have very bad heart burn, and I am very very tired, all the time. Once every couple of days I will have a burst of energy in the morning and the urge to clean everything, but it fades quickly and I am back to being on the couch or in bed again. The Great news is , is that the babies are growing and healthy.My weight is under control, meaning I am being very diligent about nutrition, lots and lots of protein, and my blood pressure is low. Lord willing I will be able to carry these precious angel for the full 40 weeks. I know that may sound crazy, but with the Lord's help, I am going for it!!! Please Pray for us .

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Stomach pic coming soon...

I will be posting a picture of my very rapidly growing belly.,

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Well what can I say... God is an Awesome Creator!!

We had our BIG ultrasound yesterday for the twins, and everything is going great!!! They are fraternal and measuring at 7oz each, which I was told is a good size for 18weeks. God gave me the perfect baby making partner, we mix well, as they say. We also know the sex of the twins, which , yeah yeah , I know I wasn't going to find out, but that was when there was only ONE, two is a different story, there is alot of Pray and preparation that needs to take place. And I have a couple of friends , and you know who you are..., who were , to put it kindly, anxiously awaiting and probing me to find out the sexes. They want to throw us a shower, and who am I to say no to generosity from friends, you know, " the failing economy" and all that mess. So... going around my elbow to get to my rear... drum roll please... we have ...A Baby GIRL and a Baby BOY!!. We are all sugar and spice and snakes and snails!! Like I said God is an AWESOME creator, he knows my husbands propensity to everything being equal. We are so excited. Please pray that they will be born 38weeks along or more and healthy. Thanks for all your love and shared enthusiasm. we Love you.

Also, Jennifer, if you read this, I remember... I love you... Only a short while friend...then ... we will see her.all my love.