Monday, July 14, 2008

I am going to mexico

This picture has nothing to do with my entry, I just thought it was funny!

Well.. On Monday the 21st @ 6am( yes 6 AM!!!) I will be on a flight to El Paso Texas and from there a van will take me to the orphanage in mexico. I am kinda excited, but bummed because Eric isn't going this time. The kids are really going to miss him. He has a God given ablity with all young people.

Because of this I am struggling sinfully. I don't know alot of the people going and a few people I don't get along with. I know this was all the Lords plan and not mine, and that his plan is perfect, but I am already dreading this now. I know it is not about fun, but I can't see how this will be fun at all now. I am just being honest!!I feel it will be to structured, to bogged down with serious God talk. The kids can see right through fakeness so my prayer( besides the one for my arogance and judgment) is that everyone would be real. their REAL selves, notacting a certain way for appearences or fear of man. I want to serve with a joyful heart. I want God to prove me wrong about those people. I want to have the children touched by the gospel. I want them to see Christ in me.